About the Center

In August 2017, a Student Service Center (SSC) was organized at NLC KTU to provide students with public and educational services, to ensure their accessibility according to the principle of “one window”.

The main goal of the SSC is to maximize the comprehensive interaction with the student community, to eliminate bureaucratic barriers and corruption risks in the system of interaction "University - student", the duplicating actions in providing services.

The tasks of the SSC are the quality, accessibility, transparency, continuous improvement of services provided, timely processing of applications received, provision of information and advisory assistance to the students, the teaching staff and employees.

An electronic queue management system is in operation. There are places for waiting in the lobby, videos on training to work on the web portal of the "Electronic Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan" https://egov.kz are broadcast, which provides comfortable waiting conditions for students.

In order to implement the state program "Digital Kazakhstan", to optimize the business processes of providing state and educational services in electronic format, 17 types of services are provided, of which 6 are state and 11 are educational ones. This form of service provision allows reducing the time for consideration of applications, minimizing the student participation in preparing the documents, and eliminating corruption risks.

Submitting an online application

Online applications for providing services are submitted through the University website https://www.kstu.kz/ in the section "Quick Links - Student - SSC - List of services", as well as to the state corporation (PSC) or an application is sent through the web portal "Electronic Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan" https://egov.kz.